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Bumper Stickers

In my printing class we designed bumper stickers to put on cars or laptops. I took a photo of them to show off the designs! We used a Mimaki printer to cut out the framing of the design.

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I designed a sketchbook filled with 50 prompts. I have included an image of some of the first couple of pages from it to showcase what it looks like in the middle of production!

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2024 Calendar

I designed a 2024 calendar! It consists of all 366 days as it is a leap year! I printed it on glossy coated paper and used clear ink over top of the butterflies.

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Personal Brand for my Socials!

This is one idea I did on what to post for my social media pages. I have a photography business as well as graphic design so I wanted to include both in this project!

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Movie Poster

This is my movie poster design I created off of Stephen King's Pet Sematary in my Advanced Photoshop class. I took a picture of my cat's eye and then I edited it by adding a filter and a couple of other images. I changed the wording to Pet Graveyard so it was not copyrighted. The font for Pet graveyard was a font I created myself!

Font I created

This is the font I designed for my movie poster! I have not done the lower case portion of the font yet, but it is coming soon! I will also include numbers and symbols as well! I used the brush tool in Adobe Illustrator to create the font. I love typography so this was fun to do!

Playing Cards

I designed some playing cards and the package for the playing cards in Adobe InDesign. I had the help of Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop as well. I chose a cat theme. As you can tell... I LOVE CATS!

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My design Process Piece

I designed a piece for a mockery prompt. Me and my partner for this project had to brainstorm ideas for five different prompts, and then choose which one we thought was the best fit for us to work on together. We chose to design a mocked up logo for a recently retired Military Veteran that decided to open a personal fitness business. He was not using the gym model, he was working with clients in their homes (because of COVID). He was after a catchy name for his plan. He'd like your visual concepts to reflect at least three names for his new idea. We then selected the best name we thought this client would have liked if this was a real project. We came up with a sketch of the logo which is shown in the first image. The second image is us coming up with a possible color scheme to use. The final image is the final result. We used Adobe Illustrator and used the pen tool to outline the sketch we made. We then incorporated text by downloading some free to use text. We are really proud with how the project turned out. Creating logos is something I recently started to love to do!

Creating my Logo

Creating my logo was a must. I really had a fun time trying to come up with my design. I chose what I designed because I am a photographer and designer so I wanted to incorporate both into it. The aperture symbol, which is behind my name, is for the photography aspect of my logo, the colors represent the design portion. I also chose the fonts because I thought it was nice and that they worked together cohesively. I designed this in Adobe Illustrator and used the grid tool to make the logo have good hierarchy. It may seem like a simple logo, but sometimes simpler is better!

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